Have you ever watched a really great customer service representative work? It’s a thing of beauty, appearing effortless and seamless. They have the same ‘scripts’ as everyone else, but they somehow come across as ‘more than’ – like a customer magnet. It’s almost like they have their own special brand of magic. Customers love these people. So do their co-workers.

So what is it that sets them apart from the pack? It’s probably not what you’d expect…

They are adaptable. People with great customer service skills adapt to different customer and coworkers personality types, situations, products and services. They don’t get rattled by changes in the status quo. They stay calm, think quickly and modify their approach to solve problems quickly with the least amount of drama.

They are naturally helpful. Customer focused employees never see customers as a distraction to getting tasks done. They don’t mind taking time to assist another person whether it is a client, vendor or co-worker.

They are good communicators. Almost everyone at the top of their field has the overall ability to interact well with others. They are good listeners, considerate, and able to articulate their message to others in a positive light. They also tend to use more non-verbal communication such as eye contact, facial expressions, smiling and head nodding.

They are organized. High achievers have the ability to juggle multiple customers at once. They are able to manage their time so that they do not service one customer well at the expense of others.

They are grateful. These individuals stand out in their ability to appreciate their customers and make them feel valued. They are polite, always saying please and thank you (and really meaning it). They build connections with others and have a positive outlook on life.